
Advertising and Public Relations.

Copywriter and Math Teacher.

Always ready for a dance party.

A California girl, then a Kentucky girl, then a Texas girl, and now a new(ish) DC local. I have become a walking “worlds-collide” moment and love finding forced connections as one myself, such as mixing Tupac and Shania Twain on one playlist or saying “dudes” and “y’all” interchangeably. I grew up hopping around different cities in California for most of my life, and then moved to Kentucky at the beginning of high school, so I have gotten in the habit of looking for a new adventure every few years usually involving a new place. After studying advertising and public relations at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, I picked up the adventure of teaching some lovely, crazy second graders math and science in Washington, DC, as part of Teach For America. I continued writing on the side, and tried to incorporate my writing into my lessons. Word problems got a whole lot more fun, if that is possible.

And now, back to being a creative full-time!

I am dedicated to getting it done and making sure it is done well. I am looking to positively impact the communications industry and the global community with impactful writing, teamwork, and servant leadership. I am excited to continue my career as a creative, work with incredible and talented individuals, and help organizations achieve their mission and embody their values in their messaging and campaigns.

(And have a few dance parties with good people and good music along the way.)

No, seriously, dance party.

It truly is one of my all-time habits and routines to help me get in the zone, get out of my head, and get the party started. It is a “Palmer Beldy Signature,” so I’m told, and has been known to make an appearance in the classroom and on the job.

I can bring this suit with me as needed.